Woodland Hills Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
If you are injured while on the clock, you may be entitled to file a workers’ compensation claim. Taking action can help you get the financial support you need while you are out of work recovering from your injury. Although you might think that obtaining benefits will be a smooth process, you might encounter various setbacks. Your employer’s insurance company, looking to protect its bottom line, may push back against your claim and offer a low amount or deny compensation altogether. Receiving little to no financial support can create a hardship for you and your family. You need a lawyer on your side to assist through all stages of the process and protect your rights and best interests.
At Leigh Law Firm, our Woodland Hills workers’ compensation attorney is ready to pursue just compensation on your behalf. A trusted advocate, skilled negotiator, and experienced litigator, our lawyer can stand up for you when you initially apply for benefits or if you are appealing a denial of your claim. Having represented workers’ compensation insurance companies in the past, we bring a wealth of insight to your case.
Schedule a free consultation with our workers’ compensation lawyer in Woodland Hills by calling us at (310) 626-4449 or contacting us online today.
California law requires companies with at least one employee to carry workers’ compensation insurance. The insurance serves to financially protect those injured during the course of their jobs by providing benefits for a certain period.
Employees suffering an on-the-job injury or illness must file a workers’ compensation claim as soon as possible, but no more than 30 days after being injured. Missing the deadline can be cause for disqualification for benefits.

"Now I’m walking away with a smile on my face and a new job and knowing I made the right decision."Now I’m walking away with a smile on my face and a new job and knowing I made the right decision.
- Vincent D.