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How are Workers’ Comp Benefits Paid Out?

Leigh Law

Workers’ compensation can provide you with a variety of benefits after you have been injured at work or while performing a work-related duty. For example, you can get benefits that pay for your medical treatments, that provide a portion of your average pre-injury wages, and that help you find a new job once you are able to work again. How those benefits are paid out is important, especially if you are in a financially tough spot since your injury.

First Payments for Disability Pay

If you qualify for temporary disability payments, then you should receive a check once every two weeks or biweekly. The first payment that you receive should be mailed to you by the responding insurance company within 14 days after that company received a copy of your injury report. Typically, the biweekly payment schedule will then begin on that first day. For example, if you got your first payment on a Wednesday, then you should get your next payment two Wednesdays later.

Permanent Disability Payments

Permanent disability payments can become available to you if your treating physician determines that you have reached your maximum medical improvement (MMI) but still cannot return to work safely. At that point, your temporary disability payments will end, and your permanent disability payments will begin. The first check you get for permanent disability payments must arrive within 14 days of the last temporary disability check, or else the insurance company could land in legal trouble. Just like with temporary disability pay, permanent disability paychecks arrive once every two weeks.

Medical Cost Reimbursement

Workers’ compensation can also reimburse you for medical treatments that were not initially provided through the plan. For example, if you had to drive a fair distance to go to several medical treatments, then you might have paid quite a lot out of pocket for your fuel. You can submit your fuel receipts for reimbursement from the insurance company. The same might be true for any deductibles you paid for treatments before you knew that your injury qualified you for workers’ compensation benefits.

Get the Most Benefits Available

If you aren’t sure that you are getting the right amount of benefits through workers’ compensation in San Diego or Los Angeles, then you should speak with a workers’ comp lawyer immediately. An attorney can review your benefits and the circumstances of your accident to ensure you aren’t losing out on benefits that could help you recover. Of course, you can also talk to an attorney before you even file to be confident that your case is created well.

Injured workers in San Diego and Los Angeles can come to Leigh Law Firm for legal counsel. Find out more by scheduling a free consultation with our legal team today.